• Question: Do you get to go on holiday with your work?? :-D

    Asked by Leila and Immy to Louise on 16 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Louise France

      Louise France answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      Hi Leila and Immy

      I really enjoyed talking to you this morning – hopefully I was able to get you interested in medical engineering or bioengineering 🙂

      I’m really lucky with my job, as my work allows me to travel all over the world! I’ve been to China, Atlanta, Boston (twice), New York, San Francisco, Venice, Switzerland, France, Germany and many other places! I also travel around the UK a lot, taking my work to conferences and into schools! I have also been to Australia to work in a lab…I stayed out there for 3 months which was an amazing experience – thats when I did my skydive. I’m really lucky because all my expenses are paid for by the university that I work at, the only things I have to pay for is extra stuff that I want to do… like sight-seeing or socialising. I dont have to pay for the travel, hotel, or my food!

      Even if you work in industry there are loads of opportunities to travel with engineering!

      Hope this helps, let me know if there’s anything else you would like to know 🙂
